
Our Team

A gigabrain team indexing all of web3's gigabytes.

Passionate About Web3

We've created a highly effective, innovative, and adaptive Indexer that rewards our Delegators, provides reliable and quality infrastructure to developers, and supports a multi-chain future.

Subgraph Allocation

We proactively managing and analyze subgraph allocations and performance.


We optimize for maximum efficiency, rewards and query fees, and growth.

Delegator Support

We provide our Delegators with operational transparency and support services.

Mission Alignment

We fully align our Indexer operations with the web3 mission and ethos.

Community Education

We dedicate time and resources to educate and engage the world about web3 and The Graph.


We rigorously explore and pursue innovation in everything we do.

Meet The Brainiacs

A gigabrain team indexing all of web3's gigabytes. Braindexer is on a mission to scale web3 with a hyper-intelligent Indexer operation, supported by a multi-talented team of brainiacs with deep expertise.


Neil deGraph Tyson

Subgraph & Dev Rel Brain

After +8 years of participating in the web3 space, I know how important it is for the world. I help drive real-world adoption and support people building ground-breaking technology.


Da Vinci

Content & Branding Brain

I’m a web3 evangelist who’s been building brands for over 9 years. I’m invigorated by The Graph’s mission to improve the world with open, verifiable, and decentralized data.


Thomas Anderson

Marketing & Communication Brain

I get excited about sharing the Braindexer story and helping educate Delegators about The Graph. My passion is growing the community and introducing web3 to the world.


Elizabeth Tudor

Finance Brain

I reign over financial and quantifiable data. I’m excited about web3 and the capabilities it has in changing the globalized world to be more honest and trustworthy.


Paul Erdős

Researcher & Community Brain

Inspired by the eccentric lifestyle of Paul Erdős, my main motivation is helping The Graph’s Indexing culture become more open and collaborative through research, documentation, and community.


JK Starely

Design & UX Brain

I love tackling thorny user challenges in the burgeoning web3 sphere. I’ve designed developer tools to unlock data value, manage APIs, and leverage on-chain data through dapps.


Kael'thas Sunstrider

Engineering Brain

I’ve been producing software bugs for about 9 years, some of them in distributed systems and now in web3. I enjoy clicking buttons and making things work.



Subgraph & Dev Rel Brain

I love helping devs build cool things. I’m a huge believer in the power of subgraphs which enables the building of truly unstoppable decentralized application.


Leon Etherwave

Engineering & Dev Rel Brain

From start-ups to fail-downs, web1 to web2 to web3, I see where it is coming from and what is most important right now and more so in the future: Decentralized APIs.



Data Analyst Brain

I’m a data scientist who loves building on top of the composability and decentralization of The Graph. I’m passionate about on-chain data analysis and education.



Engineering Brain

This brain loves working at the axon between engineering and people, and my neurons light up when I learn new skills. My prefrontal cortex urges me towards a world of personal freedom and global equality.

We’re live on The Graph Network!

Join the mission—become a Delegator with Braindexer and help level up web3’s IQ 🧠